

Patented food waste recycling technology

In several years of research on how to most efficiently solve the problem with smelly food waste, we came up with an innovative solution, which we were also able to patent.

Organic waste processing technologies

The FGR household appliance uses four basic technologies for the most efficient separation of organic waste.


The specially designed central part enables waste to be separated from liquids. Then the waste is mechanically processed into smaller pieces (1-2 cm3). Due to its special shape, it prevents the spread of unpleasant odors into the room.


This is divided into two chambers where the waste is first heated to 85°C to achieve bacteriological stabilisation (pasteurisation). Then, special mixers break the waste into even smaller pieces that fall through the sieve at the bottom of the drying chamber.


The second chamber, which has a volume of 1.7 L, is intended for storing organic fertiliser, which is left from the waste. The volume of the drawer is large enough that it only needs to be emptied every 14 days.


Specially designed barriers allow oil and grease to be separated from the wastewater based on gravity. That ensures they do not end up in the sewer system. The container has a volume of 6,5 litres, which allows the collection of oil and grease. With normal use, it only requires emptying 1-2 times a year.